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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do we book? You can check availability on our site. Rates can be found by email, phone call or clicking on the VRBO link at the bottom of each property page. You can also book on Home Away, but they will charge you additional fees. The dates are locked in for you once payment is received, We accept, Zelle or check(no fee) or PayPal or Credit Card(3% fee). No matter which way you reserve a house there is still paper work to be completed.

  2. Do you have a maximum number of people? Yes, we have an eight person maximum at all the houses.

  3. Do you have a minimum age? Yes, 25 years old at the Lake Houses and 28 years old at the Beach House. This doesn't mean No Children(of course kids are allowed). We just don't want to have a "Party House".

  4. Can you swim in the lake?     Yes. It might sound like a silly question, but not all of the lakes allow swimming. We do recommend swim shoes as the lake is very rocky.

  5. Can you fish in the lake?        Yes. A fishing license is required and can be purchased at the local WalMart. The lake is catch and release. Check out our "GUEST PICTURES" link at the bottom of our HOME page to see what kind and size fish are in the lake.

  6. What kind of fish are in the lake?  The lake is stocked with  Bass, Pickerel, Catfish, Perch and of course Sunnys.

  7. Are there fishing poles at the house?  I hesitate to say yes. We start every summer with 2 or 3 poles, but sometimes when I get to go to the house in September the poles are broken, missing parts(crank handle usually), or the string is tangled like a birds nest.

  8. Are linens and towels provided?  No, We do not provide linens and towels.

  9. Is the kitchen stocked?  The picture link has a photo with the cabinet doors open to give you an idea of what is available.  There are pots and pans and enough utensils, plates, etc for eight people.  We also try to have have basic spices and condiments.

  10. Do you supply paper products? We have our cleaning service put out a roll of paper towels and toilet paper to get you started.

  11. Do you have air conditioning? Yes.

  12. Do you supply fire wood? 99% of the time we have firewood at both Pocono houses.

  13. Can we check in early? We completely book up during the summer and cannot allow early check-ins or late check-outs because the cleaning service needs a big enough window to get the house ready. During the off season we may allow it depending if someone is checking in before or after you.

  14. Can we check-out late? See #10

  15. How deep is the lake? The water gradually gets deeper.  It’s about 2 ft. deep off the dock and about 20 feet in the middle.

  16. How far is the Beach House from the Beach? The house is 10 houses from the Beach(4 from the Bay).

  17. Do you have internet? Yes. We have high speed cable internet and a WiFi router.

  18. Can we use the boats?  Yes.  The boats, kayaks, trolling motor, etc. are there for your enjoyment!

  19. Do you have a grill?  Yes.  All houses have a Weber E310 gas grill.  There are 4 propane tanks at each house.

  20. Do you have a fire pit? Yes(at the lake houses).  The fire pits also have grill tops for cooking. The Beach House has a Propane Fire Pit(not for grilling:)

  21. Do you allow prom groups? No!

We've been a Vacation Home Rental company since 2007

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